Exhibition: Facing the Modern: The Portrait in Vienna 1900
From 09.10.2013 to 12.01.2014
The National Gallery, London
Organised by The National Gallery
Exhibition: The Art Nouveau Ideal
From 12.10.2013 to 12.01.2014
Ville D'Evian
Organised by Le Palais Lumière Evian
Exhibition: Oskar Kokoschka. The Self in Focus
From 04.10.2013 to 27.01.2014
Leopold Museum, Vienna
Organised by Leopold Museum
Exhibition: Emile Nolde
From 25.10.2013 to 02.02.2014
Lower Belvedere, Vienna
Organised by Österreichische Galerie Belvedere
Meeting: Art Nouveau Revisited: Trends and Peculiarities
From 13.02.2014 to 14.02.2014
Bruxelles / Brussel
Organised by Institut Royal du Patrimoine Artistique / Koninklijk Instituut voor het Kunstpatrimonium

As part of the European Partage Plus project, on the 13th and 14th February 2014 KIK-IRPA will hold a symposium dedicated to the study of Art Nouveau. It will be the 15th art history seminar, an initiative of the Documentation department of KIK-IRPA:
Art Nouveau Revisited: Trends and Peculiarities" will be laid on the different coexisting trends and peculiarities of Art Nouveau, both in Belgium and abroad. Freed from the yoke of historicism, artists and craftsmen drew their inspiration from highly diverse sources, revisiting local cultures and celebrating secular artisanal techniques (wrought iron, hammering, sgraffito, ceramics, stained glass?) and regional materials. The invention of this unique decorative vocabulary was enriched by the assimilation of organic forms inspired by nature, archetypes of industrial civilization as well as japonism.
The symposium will be a unique opportunity to present the variety of examples from our cultural heritage as well as to exchange point of views on the matter.
If you would like to give a presentation on this issue, please send following documents to artnouveau@kikirpa.be before the 20th of December: a short summary of maximum 15 lines, a provisional title, your CV and a list of publications. The presentations, which will last about thirty minutes each, will be given in French, Dutch or English.
More information can be found on www.kikirpa.be.
Exhibition: The Natures of Art Nouveau
From 04.10.2013 to 16.02.2014
Organised by Réseau Art Nouveau Network

"The Natures of Art Nouveau" is a travelling exhibition 2013-2015 organised by the Réseau Art Nouveau Network in the framework of the European project "Art Nouveau & Ecology" (2010-2015) supported by the Culture 2007-2013 programme of the European Commission, the exhibition comprises two identical concurrent exhibitions.
The goal of the exhibition is to draw visitors into an original discovery of Art Nouveau and its relation with nature, showing the evolution of artistic work from the idea to final products in Art Nouveau style, thanks to a richly documented iconography.
The exhibition is divided into three sections:
- The eye of the period, which examines artistic fascination with nature, with scientific discoveries in botany, zoology, oceanography, with evolutionary theories and technical inventions of microscope, photography and cinema.
- The Nature´s Workshop, which shows artistic experimentations with natural and artificial materials and new techniques to create new forms, inspired by nature: new line, ornaments and structures, patterns and symbols.
- Artificial landscapes, which illustrate art nouveau interpretations of natural periods and elements - spring, earth, water, air, light, fire.
The exhibition gives the general public and Art Nouveau lovers the opportunity to understand the role of nature in art, especially during the Art Nouveau period. Children can enjoy the exhibition as well, thanks to an activity book.
Entrance to the exhibition is free.
Exhibition: Holland on Paper. The Age of Art Nouveau
From 10.08.2013 to 23.02.2014
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Organised by Museum of Fine Arts Boston
Exhibition: Munch on Paper
From 02.11.2013 to 02.03.2014
Munch Museet, Oslo
Organised by Munch Museet

This year marks the 150th birthday of Edvard Munch. One of the highlights of this anniversary is the exhibition "Munch on paper", which presents Edvard Munch´s diverse and rich oeurvre of works on paper.
Besides presenting key images, the exhibition will also show more or less unknown works and curiosities which give fascinating insights into Edvard Munch´s life and work, says the Sture Portvik, press officer of the Munch Museum.
Visits: Open Days at Sant Pau Modernista Complex
From 25.02.2014 to 16.03.2014
Organised by Sant Pau Modernista Complex

The reopening of the Domènech i Montaner site allow people to enjoy the results of its rehabilitation process of this unique complex.
Free tours of the most representative spaces of the Modernista complex are available until 16 March 2014 from 11am in the morning to 6pm in the afternoon, highlights of which include the Administration Pavilion, the Sant Rafael Pavilion and the Sant Jordi Pavilion, together with the site´s outdoor areas.
Entrance to the Modernista complex is through the main gate of the Administration Pavilion, located at the intersection of Sant Antoni Maria Claret and Cartagena.
For more information: www.santpaubarcelona.org
Exhibition: Interiors of Modernisme: Gaspar Homar and Joan Busquets
From 11.06.2013 to 30.03.2014
Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya, (MNAC), Barcelona
Organised by Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya

The search for beauty, utility and comfort and a certain element of exhibitionistic luxury are essentials of Modernism, as found in the interiors of bourgeois housing.
Together with architects, carpenter-decorators became a fashionable profession, receiving commissions from the bourgeois and concerning themselves with the furniture design and decoration of the houses; a reflection of the tastes of the time and the new way of living. Gaspar Homar and Joan Busquets are two outstanding examples of this profession. The Museu Nacional d´Art de Catalunya holds a notable range their work, both projects and furniture.
Exhibition: Mysteria: The Unveiled Secrets
From 08.11.2013 to 30.03.2014
Museu del Modernisme Català, Barcelona
Organised by Museu del Modernisme Català (MMCAT)
Exhibition: Florilège (Anthology)
From 20.12.2013 to 13.04.2014
Palais du Gouvernement, Nancy
Organised by Museum of the École de Nancy
Exhibition: The Nature of Art Nouveau
From 20.12.2013 to 14.04.2014
Palais du Gouvernement, Nancy
Organised by Réseau Art Nouveau Network
Exhibition: Traces
From 12.09.2013 to 21.04.2014
Casa-museu Lluís Domènech i Montaner de Canet de Mar
Organised by Ajuntament de Canet de Mar
Meeting: 6th International Conference on Industrial Heritage
From 24.04.2014 to 25.04.2014
University of Rijeka, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Organised by Association for the Promotion and Protection of the Rijeka Industrial Heritage
For more information on the programme, please click here
Exhibition: Staging the Body. Loïe Fuller´s Metamorphosis
From 07.02.2014 to 04.05.2014
La Casa Encendida, Madrid
Organised by La Casa Encendida. Centre social y cultural Obra Social Caja Madrid

The exhibition "Staging the Body. Loïe Fuller´s Metamorphosis" celebrates the work of this avant-garde artist through photographs, documents and films from European and American collections. The show also includes a newly produced film that pays tribute to Fuller made by La Ribot in collaboration with Carles Santos.
Exhibition: Franz von Zülow
From 27.11.2013 to 11.05.2014
MAK, Vienna
Organised by MAK
On the occasion of the 130th birthday of Franz von Zülow, an artist shaped by a fashionable inclination toward rural life and the reflection of rural heritage, works on paper from the MAK collection and the artist´s estate will be exhibited. Von Zülow did his training at the Kunstgewerbeschule in Vienna, where he already created illustrations and designs for the Wiener Werkstätte. Active in many areas, Zülow designed textile patterns, carpets, ceramics, and interiors and developed new graphic techniques. His most important achievements in this area are the monthly pen-in-ink-drawn notebooks produced in a paper-cut stencil printing process from 1909 to 1915, subscribed to by artists such as Hoffmann, Klimt, and Schiele. Clearly evident in these works is his decorative, Jugendstil- derived surface art, which he combined with folk art inspirations. Arising at the same time were stage-like watercolors and scenic picture books along the lines of a diorama in expressive style.
Curator Kathrin Pokorny-Nagel, Head of Library and Works on Paper Collection
As part of the bookseries MAK Studies, a catalogue will be published in conjunction with the exhibition.
Exhibition: Lechner. A Creative Genius
From 20.11.2014 to 31.05.2014
Applied Arts Museum, Budapest
Organised by Applied Arts Museum
Exhibition: The Splendour of Old Europe. Art Nouveau Architecture in Detail
From 03.05.2014 to 01.06.2014
Sprudelhof , Bad Nauheim
Organised by Bad Nauheim Jugendstilverein

"Splendour of Old Europe" is an exhibition of photographs of Art Nouveau art and architecture by Peter Schubert, Austrian photographer, author and curator. The exhibition is organised by the Bad Nauheim Jugendstilverein and will be on show in the Sprudelhof heritage monument until 1 June 2014.
Peter Schubert has published or edited more than 50 books, particularly centered on the period around 1900. He was until 2013 press spokesman, publishing director and curator of the Stift Klosterneuburg Museum in Vienna. Most of his extensive photographic work was taken during his frequent travels through European countries and cities with a remarkable Art Nouveau heritage, such as Prague or Budapest, as well as lesser-known smaller towns.
The exhibition is open from 3rd May until 1st June in the Bad Nauheim Sprudelhof (bathhouse 3). Opening times: Tuesday to Friday from 14.00 - 18.00 , Saturday and Sunday from 11.00 - 18.00
Meeting: 10th Barcelona Modernista Fair
From 30.05.2014 to 01.06.2014
Organised by Cor Eixample (Trade and Professional Association for the Right Side of the Eixample) and Barcelona City Council

Cor Eixample (Trade and Professional Association for the Right Side of the Eixample) and Barcelona City Council are holding the 10th Barcelona Modernista Fair.
The Fair is part of the activities of the Right Side of the Eixample´s local festival and this year celebrates its tenth edition. As in past years, the event will be held in Carrer Girona, between Avinguda Diagonal and Carrer València, with various activities also taking place on the side lanes of Avinguda Diagonal.
There will be heaps of leisure and cultural activities for young people, adults and toddlers, including guided tours, children´s workshops, Modernista puppets, a parade of vintage cars, a vintage train ride, conferences on Modernisme, some spectacular period attractions, a family bike ride (you must be dressed in period costume to participate), street entertainment and many other surprises. Other towns and organisations connected in some way to Modernisme will also be present, as well as a stand offering information and products related to the Barcelona Modernisme Route.
This year the Fair is dedicated to the centenary of the first car with an Elizalde engine, which was built in the Elizalde factory located at Passeig de Sant Joan 149 in Barcelona.
In addition, whoever comes dressed in Art Nouveau period clothes will receive a gift photo of themselves and go into the draw for some handmade products and other prizes. The official programme will soon be available on this site.
For more information call the Centre del Modernisme on +34 933 177 652.
Meeting: The Art Nouveau World Day
Museum of Applied Arts of Budapest
Organised by Museum of Applied Arts of Budapest in cooperation with Szecessziós Magazine

The Art Nouveau World Day will be held yearly around the weekend closest to 10th June, commemorating the date when brilliant Catalan genius Antoni Gaudí and Hungarian architect Odon Lechner died. 7 June was the chosen day to held the Art Nouveau World Day this year.
Although Art Nouveau was decisive for just quite a short time in the timeline of visual arts, it is the boldest and most fashionable style of the turn of 20th century, and a very special style to us. The Art Nouveau movement, the community-building effort and the totality of its ideas is an exceptional example for our 21st century. This is how Art Nouveau succeeded to be one of the most interesting and questioned styles. The Art Nouveau World Day will be celebrated in 2014 at Museum of Applied Arts, Budapest with an opening ceremony, stylistic exhibitions, lectures, and guided street tours.
Exhibition: Danse Macabre. Egger-Lienz and the War
From 07.03.2014 to 09.06.2014
Museum Belvedere, Orangery, Vienna
Organised by Museum Belvedere

Existential questions of life and death run through the entire oeuvre of the painter
Albin Egger-Lienz (1868-1926), one of the most important pioneers of Austrian Expressionism, to whom the Belvedere will devote an exhibition in spring 2014. The artist´s war paintings are impressive memorials warning against the horrors of fighting and violence.
Exhibition: Alphonse Mucha: An Insight into the Artist
From 05.04.2014 to 15.06.2014
Hokkaido Museum of Modern Art, Sapporo, Japan
Organised by Hokkaido Museum of Modern Art, Sapporo, Japan and Mucha Foundation

"Alphonse Mucha: An Insight into the Artist" is a major retrospective featuring over 240 works, including many that have never been shown in Japan before, alongside a wide range of oil paintings, studies, sketches, jewellery and posters from the Mucha family collection.
The exhibition will explore the artistic vision and ideals behind Mucha's works. Through his own words and works, visitors will gain an insight into his creative process, his ambitions and his achievements.
The exhibition will be organised in six sections representing important themes or phases in his career:
- Mucha the Czech
- Sarah Bernhardt & the Theatre World
- Le Style Mucha & Art Nouveau
- The Message of Beauty
- Paris 1900
- Visions for Humanity
Rare works such as a satin-silk edition of The Arts series, comprised of 4-colour lithographs: Dance, Painting, Poetry and Music will feature in the show.
This exhibition will be a great opportunity for all Mucha fans and art lovers to deepen their understanding of Mucha and his inner world.
Exhibition: Liberty, a Style for Modern Italy
From 01.02.2014 to 15.06.2014
Musei San Domenico, Forlí
Organised by The fondation Cassa dei Risparmi di Forlì in collabortion with Forlì´s City Council
Exhibition: The artists of l´École de Nancy and the First World War
From 19.03.2014 to 29.06.2014
École de Nancy Museum
Organised by École de Nancy Museum
Visits: École de Nancy Museum celebrates 50 years of existence!
From 26.06.2014 to 29.06.2014
Musée de l'École de Nancy
Organised by Musée de l'École de Nancy

The École de Nancy Museum was inaugurated in June 1964 in what had been the residence of Eugène Corbin, patron and collector of the École de Nancy who in 1935 donated a major part of his collection to the city of Nancy. The donation signalled the beginnings of this unique museum in France, dedicated entirely to a single art movement: the Art Nouveau of Nancy.
Exhibition: Gustav Klimt. The Origins of a Mith
From 12.03.2014 to 13.07.2014
Palazzo Reale, Milan
Organised by City Council of Milan, Palazzo Reale, 24 ORE Cultura e Arthemisia Group in collaboration with Museum Belvedere, Vienna
Exhibition: The Nature of Art Nouveau. Travelling exhibition
From 10.05.2014 to 13.07.2014
Sala Muncunill, Terrassa
Organised by Réseau Art Nouveau Network

Organised by the Réseau Art Nouveau Network in the framework of the European project "Art Nouveau & Ecology" (2010-2015) supported by the Culture 2007-2013 programme of the European Commission, the exhibition comprises two identical concurrent exhibitions and has begun its journey to all partner cities in October 2013.
After Helsinki, Brussels, Nancy and Alesund, the exhibition "The Nature of Art Nouveau" will be presented in Terrassa at the Sala Muncunill
This exhibition is free and bilingual Catalan-English.
Exhibition: William Morris: Textiles and Wallpaper
From 03.02.2014 to 20.07.2014
The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
Organised by The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Friday Evenings at Park Güell
From 04.07.2014 to 25.07.2014
Park Güell, Barcelona
Organised by City Council of Barcelona
Exhibition: Paris 1900. The City of Enterteinment
From 02.04.2014 to 17.08.2014
Petit Palais, Paris
Organised by Petit Palais Musées des Beaux-Arts de la Ville de Paris

"Paris 1900, The City of Entertainment" is an invitation to the public to relive the splendour of the French capital at the time when the Paris Exposition Universelle was heralding the arrival of the 20th century. More than ever before, Paris was seen throughout the world as a sparkling city of luxury with a sophisticated way of life. Over 600 works will plunge visitors to the Petit Palais into the atmosphere of Belle Époque Paris.There will be paintings, objets d´art, costumes, posters, photographs, films, furniture, jewellery and sculptures. The technical inventions, the cultural effervescence, and the sheer elegance of Parisian women will be staged and displayed as representative legends of that Paris whose image has been promoted in literature and the cinema throughout the world.
Exhibition: Gaudí Past and Present. Two Readings: Joaquim Gomis and Ramon
From 04.06.2014 to 31.08.2014
Nau Gaudí, Mataró
Organised by Ajuntament de Mataró i Consorci Museu d'Art Contemporani de Mataró

An exhibition commemorating the 130th anniversary of the construction of the Nau Gaudí in Mataró. Curated by Daniel Giralt-Miracle, the show presents 110 photographs of Gaudí´s wealth of work through two different interpretations in terms of time and technique. The photos are by Joaquim Gomis and Ramon Manent. If the former worked in black and white between the 1950s and 1970s, the latter took over the reins in the 1970s and continues to analyse Gaudí´s work today through colour. As a whole, the 110 photographs take us on a delightful journey through the work of Gaudí.
Exhibition: The Bigot Pavillon
From 23.04.2014 to 31.08.2014
Museum of Applied Arts, Budapest
Organised by Museum of Applied Arts
Exhibition: Masters of Art Nouveau in the Collection of the Museum of Applied Arts
From 24.05.2014 to 31.08.2014
Museum of Applied Arts, Budapest
Organised by Museum of Applied Arts
Meeting: Consistency of Inner and Outer Spaces in European Art Nouveau Architecture
Riga, Latvia
Organised by Réseau Art Nouveau Network

In the framework of the project Art Nouveau & Ecology supported by the programme Culture 2007-2013 of the European Commission, the Réseau Art Nouveau Network, as a network of cities aiming to preserve, study and promote Art Nouveau at a European scale, organises a one-day symposium on 5 September 2014 on Consistency of Inner and Outer Spaces in European Art Nouveau Architecture in R?ga (Latvia).
The deadline for the call for papers is set on 10 March 2014. The papers should be sent to the coordination office of the Network by email at: info@artnouveau-net.eu
Exhibition: Palaces for the People. Guastavino and the Art of Structural Tile
From 26.03.2014 to 07.09.2014
Museum of the City of New York
Organised by Museum of the City of New York

Throughout the five boroughs are more than 200 long-overlooked marvels of engineering and architectural beauty-the interlocking tile vaults built by Spanish immigrants Rafael Guastavino, Sr. (1842-1908), and his son, Rafael Jr. (1872-1950). The system of structural tile vaults developed by the Guastavinos-lightweight, fireproof, low-maintenance, and capable of supporting significant loads-was used by leading architects of the day, including McKim, Mead & White and Carrere &Hastings. Ellis Island´s Registry Room, Carnegie Hall, the Bronx Zoo´s Elephant House, and Grand Central Terminal all contain Guastavino vaults.
Palaces for the People: Guastavino and the Art of Structural Tile is a major exhibition exploring the innovations the Guastavino Fireproof Construction Company (1889-1962) brought to the science and art of building. It was originally organized by MIT´s John Ochsendorf, who is a MacArthur Fellow; it is substantially expanded here to include some 20 key Guastavino spaces in the five boroughs.
Exhibition Co-chairs: Paul Katz, FAIA; Jill Lerner, FAIA; Leslie Earl Robertson, P.E.; and SawTeen See, P.E.
Exhibition: Traveling Exhibition. The Nature of Art Nouveau
From 10.06.2014 to 07.09.2014
Organised by Réseau Art Nouveau Network

Organised by the Réseau Art Nouveau Network in the framework of the European project "Art Nouveau & Ecology" (2010-2015) supported by the Culture 2007-2013 programme of the European Commission, the exhibition comprises two identical concurrent exhibitions and has begun its journey to all partner cities in October 2013.
After Helsinki, Brussels, Nancy, Alesund, and Terrassa (10 May), the exhibition "The Nature of Art Nouveau" will be presented in Riga from 10 June.
This exhibition is free and bilingual Latvian-English.
Exhibition: Towards the Light. Exhibition of the Artists´ Colony - 1914
From 17.05.2014 to 14.09.2014
Museu Mathildenhöhe, Darmstadt
Organised by Mathildenhöhe, Darmstadt
Exhibition: Sorolla. The Colour of the Sea
From 12.06.2014 to 14.09.2014
CaixaFòrum, Barcelona
Organised by Obra Social "la Caixa"

The sea was one of the recurring themes, perhaps the favourite, of his painting. Joaquín Sorolla has an idyll with the sea, perhaps because in spite of having been born in Valencia, he spent most of his life in Madrid. This exhibition displays a series of sea scenes that enable us to look into the artist and see how he paints nature and uses colour. It is undoubtedly an exhibition full of mastery that speaks of his great nostalgia for the sea of his childhood.
Exhibition: "AND YET, ART! Austria 1914-1918
From 09.05.2014 to 15.09.2014
Leopold Museum, Vienna
Organised by Leopold Museum

The assassination of the Austrian heir to the throne, Archduke Franz Ferdinand, on the 28th of June 1914 in Sarajevo was the fatal trigger of World War I. One hundred years on, the Leopold Museum is dedicating a comprehensive exhibition to the fate of Austrian artists who were active between 1914 and 1918.
Exhibition: Charles Girault and the Petit Palais. An architect in 1900
From 11.03.2014 to 19.09.2014
Petit Palais. Musée des Beaux-Arts, Paris
Organised by Petit Palais. Musée des Beaux-Arts, Paris
Meeting: Mackintosh Architecture: A New Study
Organised by The Hunterian, University of Glasgow and Charles Rennie Mackintosh Society

One-day symposium
In July 2014 The Hunterian, University of Glasgow, will launch a major new online resource: Mackintosh Architecture: Context, Making and Meaning. This website is the culmination of a four-year project, funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council, which has developed the first catalogue raisonné of Mackintosh´s architecture and that of the practice of John Honeyman & Keppie / Honeyman, Keppie & Mackintosh. This one-day symposium will explore the development of the project and its research outcomes.
Speakers include the project team: Professor Pamela Robertson, Joseph Sharples, Dr Nicky Imrie; and Roger Billcliffe; Ranald MacInnes, Historic Scotland; and Dr William Kilbride, Digital Preservation Coalition.
Mackintosh Architecture: A New Study
To register interest in the symposium
E: events@mackintosh.org.uk T:(+ 44 0)141 946 6600
Meeting: Music at the Museum: Spring - Summer 2014
From 26.04.2014 to 20.09.2014
Museu del Modernisme Català, Barcelona
Organised by Museu del Modernisme Català (MMCAT)
Exhibition: Summer 1914. Nancy and Lorraine During the War
From 15.02.2014 to 21.09.2014
Musée Lorrain, Nancy
Organised by Musée Lorrain
Meeting: Ödön Lechner´s Theories and Architecture
From 17.09.2014 to 22.09.2014
Organised by Museum of Applied Arts and the Art History Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Exhibition: Silver Age. Russian Art in Vienna around 1900
From 27.06.2014 to 28.09.2014
Lower Belvedere, Vienna
Organised by Lower Belvedere

The Belvedere´s exhibition, "Silver Age - Russian Art in Vienna around 1900", will be devoted to Russian art and the cultural relations between Russia and Austria at the beginning of the twentieth century. The term Silver Age refers to the cultural bloom in Russian literature and the visual arts after 1900 and is considered an equivalent to the German expression Jugendstil or Art Nouveau.
Exhibition: Paolo Antonio Paschetto. Artist, Designer and Decorator Between Art Déco and Art Nouveau
From 26.02.2014 to 28.09.2014
Villa Tortonia, Roma
Organised by Musei di Villa Tortonia
Exhibition: Art Nouveau in the Netherlands
From 03.07.2014 to 12.10.2014
Rigas Jūgendstila muzeju
Organised by The Art Nouveau Museum, Riga

The exhibition displays the uniqueness of the Dutch Art Nouveau with all its characteristic features such as: The rationalist school, decorative Art Nouveau, the Asian influences and other movements.
This presentation has been organized in co-operation with the Dutch Art historian and collector Frederik Erenc.
Exhibition: Through a Woman´s Eyes: Lluïsa Vidal, Modernista Painter
From 04.06.2014 to 15.10.2014
Museu del Modernisme Català, Barcelona
Organised by Museu del Modernisme Català (MMCAT)
Exhibition: Gaudí and his Entourage
From 20.06.2014 to 18.10.2014
Art Nouveau i Art Déco - Casa Lis Museum, Salamanca
Organised by Art Nouveau i Art Déco - Casa Lis Museum
Exhibition: The Nature of Art Nouveau
From 12.09.2014 to 26.10.2014
Galerie in der Trinkkuranlage, Bad Nauheim
Organised by Réseau Art Nouveau Network

Organised by the Réseau Art Nouveau Network in the framework of the European project "Art Nouveau & Ecology" (2010-2015) supported by the Culture 2007-2013 programme of the European Commission, the exhibition comprises two identical concurrent exhibitions and has begun its journey to all partner cities in October 2013.
Exhibition: Collegiality and Controversy. Josef Hoffmann and the Moravian Modernist Architects of Otto Wagner´s Viennese School
From 27.05.2014 to 26.10.2014
Josef Hoffmann Museum, Brtnice, Czech Republic
Organised by Austrian Museum of Applied Arts (MAK)
"Collegiality and Controversy. Josef Hoffmann and the Architects of Moravian Modernism from the Wagner School in Vienna" is the tenth exhibition on the life and work of Josef Hoffmann (1870-1956) in the Josef Hoffmann Museum in Brtnice, and presents Hoffmann´s oeuvre in confrontation with two other Wagner students. Like Hoffmann, Joseph Maria Olbrich (1867-1908) and Leopold Bauer (1872-1938) belonged to a generation of talented architects from the Province of Moravia who had a decisive formative influence on architecture in Vienna around 1900. A specific selection of around fifty drawings, photographs, and texts outlines their role in the development of architecture in the imperial capital of Vienna and analyses Hoffmann´s contribution to architectural innovation in Moravia.
Exhibition: "Line and Shape" 100 Master Drawings from the Leopold Collection
From 23.05.2014 to 27.10.2014
Leopold Museum
Organised by Leopold Museum

The present exhibition "Line and Shape" unites 100 eminent examples of masterful draftsmanship of the 19th and 20th centuries. The exhibition features works by some of the best draftsmen of the 20th century, including Egon Schiele, Gustav Klimt and Alfred Kubin. Further highlights include design drawings by members of the Wiener Werkstätte as well as works by artists whose abilities as draftsmen are often overshadowed by their painterly oeuvre, such as Albin Egger-Lienz, Hans Böhler and Anton Kolig. More than any other medium, drawings manage to convey the immediate connection between inspiration and artistic execution. Whether as sketchy nature studies or elaborate drawings with meticulous attention to detail, this genre´s rank as an autonomous artistic medium has always been undisputed.
Meeting: 18th General Assembly and Scientific Symposium: "Heritage and Landscape as Human Values"
From 10.11.2014 to 14.11.2014
Organised by ICOMOS
The Scientific Symposium which will take place in Florence (Italy) on the occasion of the 18th ICOMOS General Assembly will explore the theme "Heritage and Landscape as Human Values" as briefly illustrated below, according to five sub-themes:
Theme 1: Sharing and experiencing the identity of communities through tourism and interpretation
Theme 2: Landscape as cultural habitat
Theme 3: Sustainability through traditional knowledge
Theme 4: Community-driven conservation and local empowerment
Theme 5: Emerging tools for conservation practice
The Symposium will be open to the public.
Call for Papers. Deadline for abstracts: 31 January 2014
Exhibition: Barcelona hosts the international exhibition "The Nature of Art Nouveau"
From 09.10.2014 to 28.12.2014
Disseny Hub Barcelona building, at pl. de les Glòries Catalanes, 37-38.
Organised by Réseau Art Nouveau Network

"The Nature of Art Nouveau" offers art enthusiasts and the general public an original appraisal of the Art Nouveau style and its relation to nature. This is a free show, presented in Catalan and English. The exhibition is complemented by the book A Strange World: Hybridisation in Art Nouveau and Symbolism and an activity booklet for kids from 6 to 11 years old.
The exhibition, which is touring thirteen cities including Barcelona, forms part of the project "Art Nouveau and Ecology", organised by the Réseau Art Nouveau Network with the support of the European Commission´s Culture 2007-2013 programme.
The exhibition is in three parts:
· Eye of an Era examines artists´ fascination for nature, with scientific discoveries in the spheres of botany, zoology and oceanography, as well as developing evolutionary theory, and technical inventions such as the microscope, photography and film.
· Nature´s Studio shows artistic experiments using natural and artificial materials as well as fresh techniques for creating new forms inspired by nature: lines, ornaments and structures, motifs and symbols.
· The final section, Artificial landscapes, illustrates Art Nouveau interpretations of the seasons and natural elements: spring, earth, water, air, light, fire.
Each city brings its own vision to the exhibition, complementing it by presenting local works. In Barcelona´s case, this consists of:
· Nineteen photographs taken by the architect Lluís Domènech i Montaner
· Two folders from the studio library of the cabinetmaker and decorator Joan Busquets i Jané (Barcelona 1874-1949), published in Paris, which influenced the manner of constructing decorative compositions in Art Nouveau.
· Three films by Segundo de Chomón (Teruel, 1871 - París, 1929), in which nature is transformed as if by magic.
· The posters Al·legories del cicle de la natura (Allegories on Nature´s Cycle), which the painter and poet Alexandre de Riquer i Ynglada (Calaf, 1856 - Palma de Mallorca, 1920) dedicated to the four seasons.
· Fragments from the book of prose poems by Alexandre de Riquer, Crisantemes (Chrysanthemums), Barcelona, Ed. Thomas, 1899.
Exhibition: Glasgow Style: Arts & Crafts from 1890-1930
From 25.07.2014 to 31.12.2014
Blackwell, The Arts & Crafts House, Glasgow
Organised by Blackwell, The Arts & Crafts House
Exhibition: Mackintosh Architecture
From 18.07.2014 to 04.01.2015
Hunterian Art Gallery, Glasgow
Organised by University of Glasgow in association with the Royal Institute of British Architects
Exhibition: Hans Christiansen - The Retrospective
From 12.10.2014 to 01.02.2015
Museum of Artist Colony Mathildenhöche, Darmastadt
Organised by Institute Mathildenhöche and the Museumsberg Flensburg
Exhibition: Japonisme
From 27.09.2014 to 15.02.2015
Art Museum Kube, Alesund
Organised by Jugendstilsenteret
Exhibition: The Art of Love in the Time of Geishas
From 06.11.2014 to 15.02.2015
Pinacotheca of Paris
Organised by Pinacotheca of Paris
Exhibition: The Nature of Art Nouveau: Traveling exhibition
From 01.12.2014 to 28.02.2015
Galeria da Antiga Capitania do Porto, Aveiro
Organised by Réseau Art Nouveau Network

After Bad Nauheim, the traveling exhibition "The Nature of Art Nouveau", now presented in Aveiro, has been organised by the Réseau Art Nouveau Network in the framework of the European project "Art Nouveau & Ecology" (2010-2015) with the support of the European Commission.
The exhibition comprises two identical concurrent exhibitions and begun its journey to all partner cities in October 2013.
This exhibition is free and bilingual Portuguese-English.
Exhibition: Casas-Rusiñol. Two Modernista Visions
From 14.11.2014 to 01.03.2015
Museum Carmen Thyssen, Málaga
Organised by Museum Carmen Thyssen Málaga
Exhibition: A Walk Around the Work of Josep Llimona. 150 Years
From 03.12.2014 to 01.03.2015
Museu Europeu d'Art Modern (MEAM), Barcelona
Organised by Museu Europeu de l'Art Modern (MEAM)

This exhibition is the most comprehensive show to date on the work of iconic turn-of-the-century sculptor Josep Llimona i Bruguera (Barcelona, 1864-1934).
The show invites visitors to walk through the artist´s entire production from the beginning of his training, with works from his earliest days (The Prodigal Son, 1879, MNAC), to works from his period of full maturity (Adolescent or Naïve, 1924, Museum of Catalan Modernism), alongside pieces that represent the beginnings of his fullest symbolist language (Modesty, 1891, Museum of Montserrat).
More than 60 pieces have been gathered together for the occasion, including previously unseen works by the public and a wide range of pieces by the sculptor that display his various specialties, from drawing to art objects, in which sculpture is strongly featured. Given the relevance of Josep Llimona´s production in Catalan art history, the exhibition seeks to show the great quantity of his work and be the retrospective that this major artist deserves.
Exhibition: The Paris of Toulouse-Lautrec: Prints and Posters
From 26.07.2014 to 22.03.2015
MoMa New York
Organised by MoMA, New York
Exhibition: The Patriotism of Death
From 11.11.2014 to 29.03.2015
Graphic Arts Centre Jean-Noël Desmarais Pavilion - Level S2
Organised by Montreal Museum of Fine Arts
Exhibition: Ways to Modernism. Josef Hoffmann, Adolf Loos, and Their Impact
From 17.12.2014 to 19.04.2015
MAK Exhibition Hall, Vienna
Organised by Austrian Museum of Applied Arts (MAK)

Viennese design and architecture around 1900 is a global brand. How did this situation come about and what effects did these decisive moments in Modernism have? The exhibition presents main works by Josef Hoffmann and Adolf Loos as expression of central themes in a cultural debate. The show documents the different, often antithetical paths that the protagonists chose for shaping modern life, which today´s designers and architects also react to.
Exhibition: Lifelines-Forms and Themes of Art Nouveau
From 12.02.2013 to 25.09.2016
Winter Park, Florida
Organised by The Charles Hosmer Morse Museum of American Art